Strategic Committees » Nominations Committee

The Nominations Committee will develop a slate of candidates for officers, board members and other leadership positions within the association.  The committee will work with association leadership to identify the critical perspectives, attributes, and experience necessary to achieve the goals of the association. The committee will evaluate the leadership needs of the board.

  1. Shiori Oki Shiori Oki, Chair

    Collections Care Specialist

  2. Geanna M Barlaam Geanna M Barlaam

    Registrar, Collections at Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum

  3. Katelynn Bouslog Katelynn Bouslog

    Registrar at Peoria Riverfront Museum

  4. Erin Byrne Erin Byrne

    Registrar at Coca-Cola Company

  5. Toni Kiser Toni Kiser

    Senior Registrar at The National WWII Museum

  6. Mark A Ryan Mark A Ryan

    Assistant Director for Collections & Exhibitions at Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum

  7. Sydney L Briggs Sydney L Briggs, Board Member

    Director of Registration at American Federation of Arts

  8. Janet Northey Janet Northey, Board Member

    Senior Collections Manager at Anchorage Museum

  9. Alicia B.   Thomas Alicia B. Thomas, Board Member

    Contract Registrar & Fine Arts Appraiser at Nail-to-Nail, LLC

Our mission

The mission of ARCS is to represent and promote registrars and collection specialists, to educate the profession in best practices of registration and collections care, and to facilitate communication and networking.

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