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Meet the Board Member: Sonia Nunez, IDEA Feedback Form, Programming & Conference Updates ARCS Update Vol 8 Issue 12

June 12, 2023 | ARCS News

Meet the ARCS Board Member: Sonia Nunez

Sonia joined  ARCS in 2012, and has been a board member since 2017. This year she will arrive at the term limit of this incredible experience.

ARCS offers me a space for improvement in my profession thanks to the resources and networking it offers. It means being updated on current issues that affect us as well as the good practices of the profession. As a member of the Board, ARCS has been the best platform to be able to share what I have learned and to continue learning.

During these years I have worked as a Board Liaison in two subcommittees, Courier, which works on best practices and Membership Development, which works on attracting new members of all categories, including emerging professionals from all over the world.

Outside of ARCS, I am the Head Registrar at the Guggenheim Bilbao Museum where I have worked since 1997.  I have collaborated with the European working group CEN TC346 WG16, related to the mobility of collections, since 2018. I have participated in Armice (Association of Registrars of Spanish Museums and Cultural Institutions), as president from 2009 to 2012. I participate in different Conferences, Congress and in teaching at the University Pompeu i Fabra in Barcelona.

I am a Monty Python fan and try to follow their maxim of “Always look on the bright side of life.”

IDEA Feedback Form

How is ARCS addressing Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility (IDEA) issues? We welcome your feedback by filling out the IDEA Feedback Form! Your inquiry will go directly to the ARCS Board of Directors and the Membership Engagement Committee. Anonymity optional.

IDEA Feedback Form

ARCS Programming

ARCS Member Meeting June 15, 2023

Register for the ARCS Member Meeting 2023!

All active ARCS Members should mark their calendars for June 15, 2023 at 1:00 p.m. ET to attend the annual members meeting. Attendees will be given a chance to ask questions of the board members and find out about programming for the upcoming year.

Members Register Here

Courier Training Workshop June 22-23, 2023 in Portland, Oregon
Registration Closes on June 16, 2023!

ARCS is pleased to announce the return of the Courier Training Workshop, a program to better equip registrars and collections specialists to handle the challenges and curveballs of traveling with objects, especially internationally. Please join us for a pair of one-day workshops designed to equip both individual couriers and their managers with tools needed for success. Attend one or both days to strengthen your couriering skills and learn how to train others for the journey.

Portland Art Museum
1219 SW Park Ave,
Portland, OR 97205

Costs Per Day
$125.00 for members
$150.00 for non-members

Register Here

Thanks to our sponsors:

(opens in a new window)

Emergency Sub-Committee Book Club June 28th, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. ET

The Emergency Sub-Committee is excited to announce our next ARCS book club event! Please join us as we explore The Library Book by Susan Orlean who investigates the 1986 fire of the Central Library in Los Angeles.

An informal event, the book club is open to ARCS members and non-members alike. Registration is free, but required. 

Scheduled for June 28th at 7:00 p.m. ET 

RSVP for this Event

ARCS Virtual Meetup: All About Leather July 12, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. ET

Head of Conservation for the US Army Museum Enterprise, Mrs. Jane Stewart, will lead a presentation and discussion on preventive conservation issues surrounding objects made of leather in museum collections. There will be time for discussion and Q&A after her presentation.

ARCS Meet Up Subcommittee

  • Nora Djanev, Chair
  • Allison Russell, Committee Member
  • Danielle Swanson, Committee Member
  • Toni Kiser, Board Liaison

Please note: This event will be hold in the Eastern Time Zone and will be on Zoom Meeting. 

RSVP for this Event

2023 Conference Updates

Registration rates and now available on the website! Start your planning now and get ready for when registration opens during the week of June 26!

View Rates Here

Interested in sponsoring the ARCS 2023 Conference? Take a look at our sponsorship levels for our conference in Montreal here:  

Sponsorship Opportunities

Volunteer and become a member of an ARCS Committee!

Are you looking to get involved, expand your professional network, and help ARCS put on incredible programs, conferences, or help with other initiatives that benefit our members? Here are the current open volunteer positions with ARCS:

  • Educational Resources Committee (Seeking - 2 Members) The Educational Resources Subcommittee provides an up-to-date, relevant, and easy to find library of educational resources to the ARCS community. They act as a clearinghouse for all resources available to ARCS members, including an updated required reading list, a list of domestic and international registrar organizations, and all resources to assist our membership in the best practices of registration and collections care. Additionally, they vet ongoing resource submissions and continue to add new resources to the resource kit.

  • Emergency Preparedness Subcommittee (Seeking - 1 Chair, 1 Deputy Chair, 3 Members)
    Hurricanes? Fires? Floods? Pests? We’ve got you covered! The Emergency Subcommittee develops and implements emergency preparedness and response training programs, resources, and workshops in response to ARCS membership needs. We provide updated and informed resources, programs, training, and workshops to the ARCS membership on emergency preparedness and response, and even make some of these resources available to non-members. 

  • Fundraising Committee (Seeking - 2 Members) The Fundraising Subcommittee works closely with the ARCS Board of Directors and all of the various ARCS committees and subcommittees to identify, cultivate, and manage external funding partners. The Fundraising Committee’s goal is to nurture and expand awareness for ARCS initiatives, and to help raise funding to host them. The committee also works closely with other committees to plan specific fundraising events and activities such as the annual ARCS conferences and ARCS webinars and workshops.

Committee Volunteers

Our mission

The mission of ARCS is to represent and promote registrars and collection specialists, to educate the profession in best practices of registration and collections care, and to facilitate communication and networking.

Learn more about ARCS »